Where’s My Transit!? ~ 18 Mar 2017

Many online retail sales sites provide a link you can click after placing an order to learn about the shipping status of a purchase. If only it were that easy with transits.

You know how it is: a Jupiter transit looms on the horizon and before you know it, all the money portended is theoretically spent.

Sometimes fortuitous replies to queries, job application, funding of projects, awards and other pending matters show up at odd astrological times. Does that mean astrological transits are inherently flawed? Not at all.

Today’s political picture is a perfect example. Jupiter has opposed, now opposes (within orb) and will continue to oppose the Eris-Uranus Aries alignment. One might wonder why more hard core revelations about threats and claims have not produced substantial and clear definitive action. First, this is politics and every effort is being made to apply Neptune’s essence and obscure reality. Significant matters truly did trigger with Mars’ recent transit in Aries to Uranus, Eris and Jupiter. Problems appeared. Trouble spots flared. Diagnostics began. Digging dove deeper and now it may take a while to manifest.

Be patient. Let the transit develop.

Right. It’s not that easy when awaiting the awards of a transit.

Still, allow for retrogradation to occur for “maturation” of the transit (and hopefully for some of those with whom you are involved in the transit). For instance, Jupiter and Eris opposed the first time on January 17th, with Jupiter dealing with a blurry energy adjustment quincunx with Mars in Pisces. The promise of Jupiter and Eris sorting out political matters, though what will happen with unknown acts to come... it’s foggy bottom time. Then, on February 22nd Jupiter retrograded back to oppose Eris. Wobbly statements, unclear and shifting ideas and policies... which end is up? We certainly don’t know now. We do know that as Mars conjoined Eris and Uranus and opposed Jupiter a heap of suspicions, accusations, and finger pointing further blurred any chance at a clear grasp of reality.

Not to worry. It’s going to take time for this to shake out and it will... on its time table. No matter what side of the political spectrum you favor, it would be great if things settled down. Jupiter finishes his oppositions to Eris on September 4th. On or about that time, the Jupiter-Eris pattern real world effects become come to resolution.

The above solely addresses Jupiter to Eris. There is also Jupiter to Uranus in this package, and Jupiter to Haumea, and Saturn to the Galactic Center.

What all this does confirm: Jupiter loves mise en place. Mise-en-place is good prep work. The effective lining up of all things required to complete a task at hand. For a chef it’s peeling what needs to be peeled and what needs to be chopped and placing those items in bowls in the order in which they will be applied to the feast. For a filmmaker, it’s getting the story, breaking down the story, detailing the story with story boards, plotting and planning with the crew. For a politician, it’s creating a platform, branding the message, establishing social media and printed matter agendas. For a novelist it’s tracking the story, becoming intimately involved with the backstory of every character’s life, imagining every story nuance...

For transit users, it’s do what you must to be ready to execute the transit at the initial time of its occurrence, recognizing it may be the last articulation of the transit before the final result comes to pass.

Two points to the above:

If you have Jupiter approaching the midheaven suggesting a professional upgrade, when Jupiter still has ten degrees to go, start working the transit. This way there is time for mise en place, preparation, cultivation, cooking, stirring such that, point two, when the transit culminates the new activity begins.

When a transit happens, that’s when events of accomplishment should result. Results are not nearly as fruitful if one waits for the transit to commence preparations. Get yourself ready for those golden rings.

The more I watch astrology work the more I firmly believe that Saturn absolutely rules good strong results. He rewards hard work. He rewards discipline, dedication and drive. All these attributes neatly apply and become exceedingly useful when working “plan your life,” “grab that goal” mise en place activities.

Here’s another useful “where’s my transit?” thing. Uranus is always “what you do not expect” astrologers love to say. So if you really, really want something, do your best to detach on the emotional front and release your expectation of the outcome. If you expect a certain result, well, Uranus does seem to match up with what astrologers allege. The unexpected results. Sure, maybe it’s even better, but it will take a little time to adjust to the shock of the transit surprise.

There’s a ton of good progressive intellectual and spiritual downloading to be done through the end of this year with Saturn to the Galactic Center. There’s a lot of amazing new things that can get done that have never been done before courtesy of the ongoing Jupiter to Uranus. And with the lingering transit of Jupiter to Eris, those who previously were “outsiders,” excluded or unrecognized might just, with mise en place and transit savvy, rise to the perfectly tuned part of their intended spectrum.

More soon.